Contract Disputes


Call the Law Offices of Keri Trask Lazarus at 503-385-1894, or contact us through this online form to schedule a free initial consultation. We are licensed to practice law in Oregon, Washington, and the District of Oregon federal court. 

Se habla español.

Business Contract Dispute Resolution

When one party to a contract does not hold to its agreement, you need an experienced business law attorney to provide advice and form a direction for your situation. As a principled lawyer with an MBA, Keri Trask Lazarus helps establish businesses, settle contract disputes, and provide general legal counsel in the Salem area. Here are some of the standard business law issues the Law Offices of Keri Trask Lazarus helps resolve.

Breach Of Contract

When someone does not honor part of a business agreement with you, you likely have a breach of contract on your hands. Often, a supposed infringement is due to a poorly written contract. To avoid this, make sure to have a valid contract that does not leave you vulnerable to interpretive disputes. Investing in legal services to help form a contract pays off for your bottom line.

Partnership Disputes

Although litigation is an option for partnership disputes, it can be a costly and time-consuming one. The Law Offices of Keri Trask Lazarus has training in negotiation techniques. Leveraging the advantages of dispute resolution can be to your advantage. Alternative dispute resolution rather than litigation can sometimes be the best business choice:

  • It is a quicker alternative than the court system
  • It can help preserve business relationships
  • It can conserve business assets

1455 Commercial St SE
Suite #100
Salem, OR 97302

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